Why You should visit Cracow?

down on the couch and laziness - it is worth to spend your free time to explore interesting places in Poland. Because the distances are small, we do not need to spend a lot of time in the car, and the prices for hotels in the cou

Why You should visit Cracow?

The idea for the weekend

Saturday and Sunday are two days a week, which normally we want to devote our loved ones. Rest of the work does not always have to be synonymous with lying down on the couch and laziness - it is worth to spend your free time to explore interesting places in Poland. Because the distances are small, we do not need to spend a lot of time in the car, and the prices for hotels in the country are often much lower than those abroad. The possibilities we have really a lot, because almost every town in Poland may interest us an interesting history, monuments, and regional dishes. During such trips not only broaden their knowledge about their own country, but also reinvigorate the next work week and a rest.

Why do we travel?

Tourism can be viewed from different perspectives. Important among other things, psychological aspect, so why did people want and need to travel. Psychological context into account both the motivation to start any journey, as well as the experience and behavior that accompany us when we are in the target site. In fact, it is impossible to list all of these conditions and give a clear answer, what drives us, because each of us is different and in their own individual way to treat any such adventure. It is true, however, that every expedition for tourism bears the hallmarks of something new, interesting, unpredictable and attractive.

Tourism as a source of income

Tourism is for many people a way of life. For others, however, it means a momentary relaxation, escape from what is known and fixed in the direction of the search for something new and unknown. And yet for others is a great way to earn money. Many families, towns and even whole countries, treats tourism as a main source of income. Then the tourist becomes not only a welcome guest, from which you can hear podziwy on the region that has just arrived and where the delights, but also a source of cash flow. Tourists eager to spend money for staying on holiday or on vacation, not sparing himself the various pleasures, for which they are willing to spend considerable money. Thanks to this many people have jobs and livelihood.